Nature’s Path to energy
Who doesn’t want more energy and to live life to the full?
Modern living can sap energy, so we need to be intentional about avoiding what steals our energy and tapping into what builds energy.
Sugar steals more vitamins and minerals than it gives in order to be digested. You get a quick sugar high followed by the low. Instead eat whole food like fruit, vegetables or nuts for an energy boost.
Coffee - is another thing we think gives us energy; but it in fact triggers cortisol production (the stress response); so it’s stolen energy, not real energy. Try a peppermint tea or dandelion coffee.
Soft drinks / Energy drinks - same deal as their relatives - coffee and sugar. Drink water - it is the best hydrator and hydration boosts energy.
Stress takes a physical, mental and emotional toll resulting in low energy.
Late nights. Sleep reenergises and re-charges. The body does its repair work at night and in particular adrenal repair occurs between 10pm and 2 am. Late nights steal from tomorrow’s energy.
Poor nutrition. Every cell requires nutrients to function. A poor diet of processed foods, refined carbohydrates, fried food etc leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies and low energy.
Gluten intolerance. In the 1960s wheat was hybrised to increase crop yield and be roundup resistant; however it is more difficult to digest and weed killer also kills gut bacteria. A gluten intolerance can cause digestion discomfort, bloating, headaches and - yes that’s right - fatigue.
Negativity - physical and mental spaces filled with negativity steal energy and lead to more stress. Build a solid social circle of friends, groups and activities that lift your energy. De-clutter your home, work and head zones to protect your energy. Start a gratitude journal. Un-follow or un-friend toxic people. Hard, but so worth it.
Things you can do to naturally build energy levels without caffeine are:
Hydrate well.
Exercise - often people avoid exercise when low in energy, however getting fresh air and oxygen into the lungs even with gentle exercise like walking is a great way to feel more energetic.
Sunshine - in addition to vitamin D, the infrared rays of the sun penetrate the skin into the cell where it activates inter-cellular melatonin, a master antioxidant, energising the mitochondria to clean up the cell.
Get 8+ hours of quality sleep.
Eat whole foods, mostly plants for a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to give our cells the nutrients they need to function well.
Good digestion is important to absorb nutrients. It is often said, you are not what you eat, but what you absorb.
Supportive supplements that may support energy are: Vitamin B complex, CoQ10, iron (if levels are low), spirulina, and adaptogen herbs. Soils are nutrient deficient, so food grown in those soils are nutrient deficient and we become nutrient deficient.
Live in the moment. Ruminating over the past or worrying about the future steals energy and joy from today.
Practice gratitude - the happier we are, the better our energy!
If you have tried these suggestions and are still struggling with low energy, contact me for a naturopathic consultation to look at your health picture and identify and treat causes of low energy.