Raising Healing Frequency

Normal Human Body Frequency 62-78 MHz

Human Colds and Flu start at 57-60 MHz

Disease starts at 58MHz

Receptive to cancer at 42 MHz

Death begins at 25 MHz

The higher the frequency the more energy.


Watch you thoughts, words and emotions as they emit a positive or negative frequency (vibration that reverberates through the body.) They activate the Law of Attraction, i.e. you attract what you dwell on. Positive thoughts of love, joy, gratitude and peace, etc increase vibrational frequency; while negative thoughts of anger, fear or shame, etc decrease vibrational frequency.

To maintain high frequency speak positive words of others, eliminate complaining and take responsibility for the choices of your life. Our outer world follows our inner world, so learn to look for the positive and let go of resentment within.

“A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6:7. So cultivate positive thoughts, words and emotions.

Emotions are energy in motion.

Listen to music that delights the senses, uplifts and inspires. Music can effect body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety.  One of the most impactful ways to raise our vibration is to listen to high vibration music.  Think about how listening to and/or dancing to your favourite music uplifts your soul.  You can also listen to nature sounds or meditation music.

Today’s music is tuned on the “A” note at 440 Hz as a universal frequency was established when musicians, orchestras and concerts began touring the world.

Science however has pointed to the historical frequency of 432 Hz music, which is slightly lower in pitch being a powerful healing frequency to produce calming effects, alleviate anxiety, release trauma, better sleep and increase a sense of wellbeing, by lowering the heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure.

Music activates most regions of the brain improving memory, focus, creativity, mood, motivation and wellbeing.  Music can boost the immune system, regulate the nervous system, improve sleep, ease pain, improve endurance, etc.

Researchers have found when choirs sing their heartbeats synchronise, beating together as one; which may be why singing together as part of religious services can be such a joy and uniting of hearts.L

“Music can heal wounds which medicine cannot touch.” - Debasish Mridha

Spend Time in Nature
Oh yes don’t we love the ‘feel good vibes; from spending time in nature, whether it is a swim in an ocean or lake, a forest walk, a hike in the hills or time in your garden.  Research shows worldwide that those who live closer to nature have less health issues and live longer, better.  Conversely screen time is linked with increased fatigue, anxiety and depression, poor concentration and poor sleep.

Time spent in nature lowers blood pressure, stress, anxiety and depression, it boosts immunity, mood, cognitive function and energy.  Walking barefoot connects you to the earth to “ground” you and connect you to present moment, allowing you to be still and feel peace and wellbeing.  It decreases inflammation.

Notice the beauty of nature - a sunset, a flower, bird, waterfall, a mountain range, etc.  These elicit the profound experience of awe, of something bigger than ourselves and raise our energy.

Eat Whole Foods from Nature
Foods from nature are alive and vibrant.  They provide the radiance of the sun.  When we eat fresh, raw, organic food, sourced from nature, especially colourful food high in antioxidants and phytonutrients we take in this vibrancy. 
High frequency greens like organic kale, rocket, lettuce, bok choy, spinach, herbs etc are a great source of chlorophyll which helps purify the blood and cleanse the liver.   Root vegetables that grow into the earth like carrots, beets, parsnips help to ground us to be calm.  Colourful fruit - berries, apple, citrus raise vibrational frequency. Sprouting releases the nutrition in the seed and makes it come alive again as well as increasing digestibility.

Food                        Vibration Level in Hertz
Processed foods     0 MHz
GM foods.                 0 MHz
Fresh produce         up to 15 MHz
Dry herbs                  from 12-22 MHz
Fresh herbs              from 20 - 27 MHz

In contrast foods that drag down energy and are low vibration foods are those that are:
- sprayed with chemicals
- contain artificial synthetic colours, preservatives etc.
- processed foods including white flour, sugar, oils, meat
- alcohol, sodas, drinks in plastic bottles
- deep fried food 
Eating food prepared with love increases its vibration, as does giving gratitude for the food you are about to eat.

Enjoy Aromatherapy with Pure Essential Oils
Pure therapeutic grade essential oil frequencies range between 52 MHz and 320 MHz.

Essential oils express the oxygenating, regenerating and immune-strengthening characteristics of plants.  Used as mankind’s first medicine and with many references in the Bible to their use for cleansing, anointing and healing the sick, science has  since demonstrated them to be antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, antiseptic, and antioxidant - helping to protect the cells from free radical damage.

Oils like frankincense, sandalwood, cedar wood, patchouli and vetiver have high levels of sesquiterpenes which increase the amount of oxygen in the cell and the resonant frequency. Terpenes which are abundant in nature are the compounds responsible for the smell of the plant. 
Essential oils containing sesquiterpenes can cross the blood brain barrier and directly access the limbic system and the amygdala which is the emotional centre of the brain.  In 1989 it was discovered that aromatherapy and essential oils can stimulate the amygdala to help release emotional trauma.  Thus essential oils are very powerful to promote not only physical healing but emotional and spiritual healing.

The effects of essential oils are very diverse, for example Lavender True can be used for insomnia, headaches, insect bites, PMS and burns.

Essential oils can be incorporated into daily life in a number of ways:
- add a few drops to bathwater, or shower gel
- diffuse to purify air or create a calming or learning environment
- in massage oil
- as perfume
- in the washing machine or dryer
- some can be used in cooking
- in cleaning and disinfecting

It is important to use purest, therapeutic grade essential oils, as synthetic fragrance will not produce the desired results and can be extremely toxic.  Please contact me if you would like more information about how essential oils can support your health and wellbeing.

Care for your Environment
The company you keep has the potential to lift energy and bring a lively positive vibe or drain and suck energy.  Spend more time with happy, positive and achieving people and you will absorb that energy.

Whether at work or home organised and clean spaces, decluttered, with fresh air and natural light, plants and fresh flowers, and healing frequency music can have a significant impact on productivity, clarity and mood.

Be aware of media that portrays fear, violence, death, betrayal etc as these shift your body chemistry lowering your vibrational frequency.  Does social media generate feelings of insecurity.  Choose entertainment that is uplifting to bring energy to your day.

To meditate is to think deeply about something, contemplate, allow thoughts to dwell on.  As we learnt earlier, thoughts can have a seismic impact on vibrations at the cellular level and therefore on wellbeing.  Although there are numerous ways to meditate, the goal is to let go of troubling thoughts and find inner peace. 

We are in a culture of busyness and noise and the power of meditation is that it can reduce activity of the sympathetic nervous system, slow heart rate and breathing, lower blood pressure and relax muscles. Hugely beneficial to managing stress.

There are numerous references in the Bible to meditation.  The aim of biblical meditation is not to empty the mind but fill it with the words and wonder of God.

Ps 1 :1-3 says blessed is the one who meditates on God’s word. They will flourish like a tree planted by streams of water, nourished by a constant source of life. 

Proverbs 4:20-22 “Turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart, for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.

“Be still and know that I am God” Ps 46:10

“He makes me lie down in green pasture, He leads me by still waters, He restores my soul” Ps 23:2-3

These scriptures declare we hear Gods’ voice in stillness, come to know Him, and find healing and restoration.

The power of silence, solitude and stillness in Jesus life when he withdrew to the mountainside to pray was where he found His strength and discernment.

A study showed meditation and prayer increased measured frequency levels by 15 MHz.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think (meditate) on these things.  Philippians 4:8


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