Healthy Start to the Day

Let’s make a calm and healthy start to your day with a morning routine of  helpful habits:

Be prepared.  This may mean getting up a little earlier so you can exercise, shower and dress before children are up, or laying our work clothes the night before, or having lunches ready to go, to maintain a calm start to your day.

Make your bed.  When you hop out of bed, turn around and tidy the covers and pillows.  A tidy space helps your mind feel less cluttered.

Rehydrate. Your body has gone 8 hours without water.  Start your day with 2 glasses of water to rehydrate body and brain and make a good start to the recommended 8 glasses of water a day.  Add lemon for some extra zing.

Movement.  A morning walk, a gym session or gentle stretching all get the blood flowing, bringing oxygen and nutrients to your cells and removing waste.

Breakfast. The most important meal of the day and often the healthiest in terms of nutrition and consistency.  A healthy breakfast fuels the body and brain.  An added bonus is that you are more likely to make healthy food choices through the day.

Calm your mind.  Mindfully set your intentions for the day.  Read something inspirational or meditate instead of starting your day in a reactive way, by checking social media or news.  Write a to-do list and prioritise tasks.  This gives a sense of accomplishment as you tick each one off.


A Healthy Night’s Sleep


Healthy Start to the Year