nICE Creams
Purely indulgent frozen bliss dipped in decadent melted Weave cacao chocolate drops. So good - even ice-cream connoisseurs are going to melt! Here are two absolutely scrummy recipes that I just know you and your family are going to love!
For those with dairy or gluten allergies these creamy frozen creations are perfect.
nICE Creams also tick the box of empowering, supporting and caring for our Pacific neighbours who grow these amazing cacao beans. Be part of the vision of Weave Cacao in changing livelihoods and communities for the better in Papua New Guinea. Read their story and order the delicious cacao beans either 58% or 70% or both at
I recommend both!
Cacao has some great health benefits too as it is full of healthy antioxidants and magnesium, zinc and iron.
Now no doubt you are just saying hurry up and give us the recipe already. Here it is the first easy recipe:
Recipe One
1 cup of Raglan Vanilla Bean Coconut Yoghurt
1/2 c cashew nut butter (I am sure this would also work well with almond butter or peanut butter)
2 T pure maple syrup
Blend with a beater until smooth and creamy.
Place baking paper on a tray that fits into your freezer.
Drop a spoonful onto the tray, and smooth the top.
Push a wooden ice-cream stick into the centre. Makes 5-6 depending on how large you make them.
Place in the freezer and leave to freeze for 2 hours.
Boil a saucepan half filled with water. Take off heat.
Place Weave cacao chocolate drops 58% into a stainless steel bowl over the saucepan of boiling water.
Leave one minute to melt then stir until smooth.
Dip nICE Cream into the melted Weave cacao chocolate or spoon melted cacao chocolate over the frozen nICE Cream.
Place back on baking paper and pop into the freezer. They will be ready to enjoy within minutes.
Once frozen store in an airtight container in the freezer.
Recipe Two
1 cup Raglan Vanilla Bean Coconut Yoghurt
1/2 cup frozen mango pieces
1 banana
Blend in a vitamizer until smooth and creamy.
This mixture is a little softer in consistency, so you can either place in circles on baking paper again like the first recipe; but they will be thinner, or pour into moulds, then place the wooden sticks.
Freeze, then enjoy plain or dipped in delicious melted Weave Cacao chocolate 58%. Store in an airtight container in your freezer.
There are numerous variations you could try - swap the frozen mango with frozen strawberries, blueberries, or boysenberries.
Even though there is a little sugar in the cacao chocolate drops, these are a delicious and healthy treat.
The husband who has a little bit of sweet tooth gave these nICE Creams 10 out of 10 and of course wants me to keep making more. And the adult kids are raiding the pantry for the little Weave cacao chocolate drops of yumminess and scoffing them too.